Please Feed Me!

Sugar Bubba copy.jpg

This pic is of a Sugar Bubba, getting pump and ready for ripening.


Do you need to feed your Citrus tree?

YES – YES definitely YES!

Fertiliser is ESSENTIAL for success. For good health, luscious growth and ultimately fruit!

If your tree is planted in a pot – please read this article about growing in pots – In a pot it is even more reliant on you for food. It is totally dependent on you.

 The Essentials

For Pots!

Firstly plant using a top-quality premium potting mix (generally this is the most expensive one in the store).

Use Osmocote this is a slow or timed-release fertiliser and will feed over a period of time.

We would like you to feed every 3 to 4 months. Follow the directions on the fertiliser pkt for amounts.

IN ADDITION – use a tonic – We love Charlie Carp, use this every month for habit and health.

This is not instead of fertiliser it’s as well as.

In the GROUND.

Plant into yummy healthy soil!. Condition the soil if it is poor, use manures and composts to condition your soil. You can buy these products in bags. And be generous! Dig it in and mix it around and then when you’ve planted top dress the soil with more compost AND FERTILISER.

Charlie Carp have a pellet form which is great…again follow the directions for rates and Feed every four months.

IN ADDITION – use a tonic –Charlie Carp, use this every month for habit and health.
This is not instead of fertiliser it’s as well as.


Signs your tree is hungry.

  1. IT IS IT JUST IS….Citrus are greedy gluttons, they are always hungry and looking for food.

  2. Yellow leaves….fed it now! And keep up with the tonics.

  3. Stunted growth or no growth. Please make sure this isn’t because you’ve over potted the tree….read this….


Only use a complete fertiliser and an organic tonic.

Citrus fertiliser is okay we encourage you not to use it in pots it’s okay for ground planted citrus however an all-purpose organic fertiliser that will fertilise your full range of plants is better value.

Our citrus gems range of native citrus is grafted onto an under-stock that is not native so please feed as normal, you do not need to use a specific native fertiliser.

Please feed your lovely trees they will love you back and reward you tenfold.


We spill the blood on oranges


Underplanting Citrus trees with colourful annuals