Maltese Blood Orange

from $49.50

This a semi blood orange - with a flesh that is well coloured without too much red pigmentation.
The sweet delicate flavour and the juiciness of this almost seedless orange is exquisite, making it a highly prized dessert fruit. It peels very easily and is *rag free, like a Shamouti.

Originating in Malta this orange is hugely popular across the globe and is regarded by many in the citriculture world to the finest quality of any non-navel orange. 
In France, the Maltese Orange is referred to as the Queen of Oranges.
The Maltese Blood Orange was documented as one of the first citrus trees introduced to cultivation in Australia, making a recorded journey on board the First Fleet. 

The tree grows to a moderate size  3 - 4 metres and could with good care be happy in a container.

* Rag is the term used to describe the white strings or fibre that comes on the flesh of a citrus fruit when you peel it, think of mandarins.
As a general rule, our trees should fruit in the second autumn after you have planted them, given they receive good nurture and optimal conditions.
All of our Citrus trees are all grafted to appropriate rootstock, we use clean Aus Citrus virus indexed tested propagation material and budwood. You are assured of a premium, quality, professionally grown tree.

Branched head or single stem:
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This a semi blood orange - with a flesh that is well coloured without too much red pigmentation.
The sweet delicate flavour and the juiciness of this almost seedless orange is exquisite, making it a highly prized dessert fruit. It peels very easily and is *rag free, like a Shamouti.

Originating in Malta this orange is hugely popular across the globe and is regarded by many in the citriculture world to the finest quality of any non-navel orange. 
In France, the Maltese Orange is referred to as the Queen of Oranges.
The Maltese Blood Orange was documented as one of the first citrus trees introduced to cultivation in Australia, making a recorded journey on board the First Fleet. 

The tree grows to a moderate size  3 - 4 metres and could with good care be happy in a container.

* Rag is the term used to describe the white strings or fibre that comes on the flesh of a citrus fruit when you peel it, think of mandarins.
As a general rule, our trees should fruit in the second autumn after you have planted them, given they receive good nurture and optimal conditions.
All of our Citrus trees are all grafted to appropriate rootstock, we use clean Aus Citrus virus indexed tested propagation material and budwood. You are assured of a premium, quality, professionally grown tree.

This a semi blood orange - with a flesh that is well coloured without too much red pigmentation.
The sweet delicate flavour and the juiciness of this almost seedless orange is exquisite, making it a highly prized dessert fruit. It peels very easily and is *rag free, like a Shamouti.

Originating in Malta this orange is hugely popular across the globe and is regarded by many in the citriculture world to the finest quality of any non-navel orange. 
In France, the Maltese Orange is referred to as the Queen of Oranges.
The Maltese Blood Orange was documented as one of the first citrus trees introduced to cultivation in Australia, making a recorded journey on board the First Fleet. 

The tree grows to a moderate size  3 - 4 metres and could with good care be happy in a container.

* Rag is the term used to describe the white strings or fibre that comes on the flesh of a citrus fruit when you peel it, think of mandarins.
As a general rule, our trees should fruit in the second autumn after you have planted them, given they receive good nurture and optimal conditions.
All of our Citrus trees are all grafted to appropriate rootstock, we use clean Aus Citrus virus indexed tested propagation material and budwood. You are assured of a premium, quality, professionally grown tree.